Natal Chart, Transits, and Solar Return Readings

from $100.00

With this reading you have a few options:

The Standard Natal Chart reading is just an in-depth look at your natal chart itself. I take a look at your birth chart , a snapshot or image of where the planets and stars were during your birth. From this chart we can learn to understand ourselves and the nuances in our lives a bit better.

Example: “What does my chart have to say about how I approach relationships?” Or “Where do you see my frustrations with cultivating relationships in my chart?“

The Natal Chart with Transits reading goes into the transits that play out in your life in regards to a specific topic such as love, work, learning, relating, etc.

Example: “Where in my chart can you see my difficulty with career and when do you think things may turn around for me?”

The Solar Return Chart reading is a great reading to have done around the time of your birthday each year. This reading takes a look at the exact moment the Sun returns to its "natal" or birth position. This is a great way to see what may be coming up for the year ahead. This can also be done in a similar way by looking at your Natal Chart and where transiting planets may hit.

Please only choose one question from the list to be asked during your reading. ❤️

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